اختر لغتك

الجمهورية التونسية

وزارة السياحة

079 3350 6419
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Dans le cadre de la célébration des Journées Internationales du Design, une conférence s'est tenue au Centre de Design, Dandan Axe Design, à l'Office National de l'Artisanat, sous le titre "Design Lum...
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Mr. Kazem Al-Masmoudi, Regional Director of Crafts in Monastir, supervised this evening, Saturday May 20, 2023, the opening of the 5th session of the Sahel Crafts Fair, which is organized as part of a...
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As part of the celebration of the International Design Days, a lecture was held at the Design Center, Dandan Axis Design, at the National Office for Handicrafts, under the title "Light Design", in coo...
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تم أمس الخميس 19 ديسمبر 2017 توزيع جوائز الدورة 21 لمسابقة الخمسة الذهبية