اختر لغتك

الجمهورية التونسية

وزارة السياحة

77 240 585
About Me
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It is located within the ancient city of Kairouan, and it is represented in an area of ​​670 square meters and contains eighteen workshops that are exploited in the specialties of hand embroidery. Wit...
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It was launched since 2006 with the aim of overcoming the problems that artisans face in the region, especially at the level of spaces, whether commercial or designated for workshops. The village has...
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This village is located next to the headquarters of the National Office for Handicraft Industries, and it consists of 53 stores, including 43 workshops for craftsmen to produce and sell traditional ha...
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بمناسبة زيارة العمل إلى المحطة السياحية ياسمين الحمامات، قام وزير السياحة السيد محمد المعز بلحسين، مساء الجمعة 16 أوت 2024، بزيارة معرض الصناعات التقليدية Festiv'Art 2 بياسمين الحمامات في دورته الثاني...