Journeys of Knowledge Project



Established from the direct encounter between all Tunisian and Sicilian partners, the project brings together seven partners and four associates. It was developed for each country, taking into account the specificities of the institutional framework and the topics dealt with by the project (support of regional sustainable development and the Siculo-Tunisian institutional cooperation through cultural tourism focused on the cultural and landscape Specifications of eligible territories: protection and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and craftsmanship of excellence).

The project aims at properly enhancing the resources related to territorial identities, particularly the intangible cultural heritage and craftsmanship of excellence, offering innovative itineraries exploring heritage and based on both territories’ traditions and common roots, and providing concrete information on territories through a modern communication system in all seasons.

The project also aims at increasing the handicrafts competitiveness and marketing through their integration in the tourism sector and the creation of Sicilian-Tunisian cooperation network to strengthen dialogue and sustainable collaboration to develop common strategies.
The “Knowledge Travel” is established in the framework of the border Cooperation Program between Tunisia and Italy 2007-2013, Decision CE (2008) 8275 of 16/12/08, Priority 1 – Measure 1, development and integration of economic sectors. 


  •  Development of a highly qualitative map and finalized tourist circuits for the proper valuation of identities related to land resources, intangible cultural heritage and craft excellence.
  • Reception and innovative information areas exploring the heritage and traditions based on the both territories’ common roots.
  • Institutional cooperation aims to integrate in the tourism sector and the creation of a Sicilian-Tunisian cooperation network in order to strengthen common strategies.
  • Promotional action to increase the handicrafts competitiveness and marketing.

Project duration : 24 months (November 2011 – November 2013)

Project Budget : € 778,766.00

Coordination Committee of The National Handicrafts Office : Sonia Latrous, Project Coordinator / Rim Marnissi, coordination assistance / Mustapha Chaieb, paying agent.

Main objective

The project’s main objective is to support regional sustainable development and the Siculo-Tunisian institutional cooperation through cultural tourism focused on the identities and cultural characteristics of eligible areas and primarily the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and excellence in craftsmanship.

The activities are aimed at creating services for cultural tourism since the tourism sector is a real potential for economic development of the territories involved in the project. The project involves the establishment of joint tours in order to make known the traditions and the rich heritage of the territories involved. Particular attention will be paid to the craft of excellence as well as local products.

Specific Objectives

  • Promote and develop the resources associated with territorial identities.
  • Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage of the territories involved.
  • Recognize and value the craft of excellence in the areas concerned.
  • Offer visitors the opportunity to discover the heritage and provide concrete information on the territories visited, mainly through a modern communication system.
  • Create a cooperation network between Sicily and Tunisia to strengthen the dialogue between the two countries, particularly at the tourism level.
  • Create a lasting collaboration to develop strategies and a development synergy through the promotion and enhancement of territories through the cultural and natural richness as well as the discovery of handicrafts and local products.
  • Elaborate cross-border tours between Sicily and Tunisia based on both territories’ traditions and common roots.
  • Increase competitiveness and marketing handicrafts products of excellence through its integration in the tourism sector.


on the Sicilian territory, the partners are :

  • The Agenzia di Sviluppo per the Programmazione Pianificazione e delle risorse localized Centro della Sicilia meridionale PRO.PI.TER. S.C.M. SPA, which includes 10 municipalities in the province of Agrigento Aragona Camastra Campobello di Licata, CanicattÃ, Castrofilippo, Cave, Naro, Palma di Montechiaro, Racalmuto and Ravanusa.
  • The LAG Elimos, which includes 14 municipalities in the province of Trapani Custonaci, Calatafimi-Segesta, Castellammare del Golfo, Custonaci, Erice, Gibellina Partanna Poggioreale Salaparuta, Salemi San Vito Lo Capo, Santa Ninfa, Valderice, Vita and the GAL Sicani, which includes 31 municipalities: Alessandria della Rocca, Aragona, Bivona, Burgio, Calamonaci, Caltabellotta, Cammarata, Casteltermini, Cattolica Eraclea, Cianciana, Joppolo Giancaxio, Lucca Sicula Montallegro Montevago Raffadali, Realmonte, Sambuca di Sicilia San Biagio Platani San Giovanni Gemini, Santa Elisabetta Santa Margherita di Belice, Sant’Angelo Muxaro Santo Stefano Quisquina, Siculiana, Villafranca Sicula in the province of Agrigento, e Bisacquino, Castronovo di Sicilia, Chiusa Sclafani, Contessa Entellina Palazzo Adriano e Prizzi in the province of Palermo.
  • The LAG Eloro, which includes five towns in the south of the province of Syracuse Avola, Noto, Rosolini Pachino e Portopalo di Capo Passero;
  • The town of Modica;
  • Circuito Castelli e Borghi Medioevali which includes 30 municipalities.
  • Their involvement allows the project to be implemented on almost all eligible territories: provinces of Trapani, Agrigento, Ragusa and Siracusa. This approach contributes to the inter-territorial structure of the fundamental economic and social relations for the development of the territories themselves.

On the Tunisian side, the project has taken into account the institutional organization of the country. It consists of two high quality partners for the topics covered in the project and an undeniable experience in project management:

These partners have a national and international resonance that allows the project to benefit from this echo. Their internal network has ramifications across the Tunisian eligible areas and allows the project to reach a large number of beneficiaries and also build a network of local partners.

Associated Partners


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